중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소






제목Was heißt „Ich denke ist ein empirischer Satz“?2019-10-24 10:56
작성자 Level 10

고유번호: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/kant.2019.110.issue-1/kant-2019-0005/kant-2019-0005.xml

제목: Was heißt „Ich denke ist ein empirischer Satz“?

저자명: Hyeongjoo Kim

학술지명: Kant-Studien 

권호사항: 110(1)

수록면: 136-159

발행년도: 2019


The main objective of this paper is to clarify the meaning of Kant’s claim that ‘I think’ is an ‘empirical sentence’. In order to do this, I analyze and interpret a passage from B 422 (footnote) in the Critique of Pure Reason, where it is claimed that the ‘I think’ is an empirical sentence. In interpreting this passage, two different approaches come to mind: On the first reading (L1), the statement ‘I think’ is an empirical sentence because it expresses a perception of ‘I am’, i. e. a perception of my own self. On the second reading (L2), the sentence ‘I think’ is empirical in that the ‘I think’ will be activated only when empirical representations are given to intuition. I shall show that these two approaches can be reconciled in the following way: The proposition ‘I think’ can be regarded as an empirical statement in the sense that the activity ‘I think’ always arises together with empirical representations, whereby the ‘I’ cognizes itself simultaneously in its ‘I am’.

중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소
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