중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소






제목From mere urbanity urban bioethical standards: an invitation to broadening of bioethics2020-08-10 14:32
작성자 Level 10


제목: From mere urbanity urban bioethical standards: an invitation to broadening of bioethics

저자명: Sun-yong Byun, Chan Kyu Lee, Amir Muzur

학술지명: Jahr

권호사항: Vol.22 No.- [2020]

수록면:  178-202(25쪽)

발행년도: 2020

An interest in research, deliberation, and reflection on urbanity has been present for a long time. Due to rapid urbanisation in the last few decades, such interest has intensified, attracting scholars from different disciplines and creating new platforms for discussion.
The first indicators of a ‘bioethical’ interest in urban life are already present in Van Rensselaer Potter’s early papers (urban ethics. However, more extensive research into urban bioethics remained on hold until recently, mainly due to the dominance of the biomedical paradigm within modern mainstream bioethics.
In 2017, the European Bioethics in Action project (funded by the Croatian Science Foundation) ended, resulting in a list of general bioethical standards related to animals, plants, and human health. The aim of this paper is to present the rationale for developing bioethical standards in a specific urban context. 

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