• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

Academic ActivitiesPublications


Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleRestructuring of Arts Major and Reorganization Process of Convergence Education System2019-01-17 10:59
Writer Level 10

Serial Number : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105383239

Title : Restructuring of Arts Major and Reorganization Process of Convergence Education System

AUthor : 박진완 (Jin-Wan PARK)

Journal : 한국예술연구 (Korean National Research Center for the Arts)

Vol. : No.20 [2018]

Pages : 5-28

Published by : 한국예술종합학교 한국예술연구소 (Korea National Resarch Center for Arts)

Date : 2018.06

Register Information : KCI

etc. :



Current university education faced restructures by various projects of Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Science and ICT, that are aimed at linking industrial manpower and education. Among them, the arts education field is considered to have a problem with the employment rate. Its convergence with other academic majors induce building an education system, focusing on producing human resources that industry requires. Sometimes these changes, in the involuntary situation, cause positive and negative effects on the convergence of the arts. It is difficult to conclude what attitude an educator should take. Especially when a collision happens between elite arts field, that wants to raise a representative of a person, and a society that wants to produce universally talented individuals. This study investigates some examples and perspectives of various program developments and education unit reforms in the field of convergence arts, including author’s school. Furthermore, discuss the problems and countermeasures of different issues.

Key words : Convergence major  ,University restructuring  ,Art interdisciplinary major ,Art interdisciplinary eduction  ,Educational reorganization

Chung-Ang University, Humanities Research Institute
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