• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

Academic ActivitiesPublications


Academic ActivitiesPublications


147A study on the current state of AI liberal arts education at.. Level 102021-06-01156
146A Study on the History of Disgust Emotion Interpretation and.. Level 102021-06-01116
145The Problem of Symbolic Representation with Sex Robots Level 102021-06-01123
144Use of the Clock Drawing Test and the Rey–Osterrieth Complex.. Level 102021-06-01118
143Automatic Score Range Classification of Korean Essays Using .. Level 102021-06-01119
142Effective Multi-population Genetic Algorithm using Migrant R.. Level 102021-06-01112
141An Overview of AI-related Liberal Arts Education in Japan an.. Level 102021-06-01141
140Establishing a Definition of AI Literacy and Designing a Lib.. Level 102021-06-01148
139Designing and Applying the Moral Turing Test Level 102021-06-01129
138A Study of the Sexuality and Public Narrative Strategies of .. Level 102021-06-01133
137Die Frage der Regulierungen für den Einsatz der intelligente.. Level 102021-06-01123
136A Case Study on the Digital Media Exhibition Planning and Ar.. Level 102021-06-01117
135The birth of computational image - from apparatus to algorit.. Level 102021-06-01117
134AI-based Image Generation Algorithm and Photography Level 102021-06-01117
133The Roles and Directions of Poetry Education in the Post-Hum.. Level 102021-06-01131
132Post COVID-19 Period's Civilizational Turn and Computational.. Level 102021-06-01140
131Identifying Factors Affecting Chatbot Use Intention of Onlin.. Level 102021-06-01121
130Artificial Intelligence Ethics and RoboEthics, Differences a.. Level 102021-06-01163
129Die demokratische Legimation in der Algokratie im Zietalter .. Level 102021-06-01171
128Predicting User Acceptance of Strong AI using Extension of T.. Level 102021-06-01129
Chung-Ang University, Humanities Research Institute
#828, 310 Hall, 84 Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06974, Korea  TEL +82-2-881-7354  FAX +82-2-813-7353  E-mail : aihumanities@cau.ac.krCOPYRIGHT(C) 2017-2023 CAU HUMANITIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED