• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

Academic ActivitiesPublications


Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleA Study on the History of Disgust Emotion Interpretation and the Results of Artificial Intelligence Emotion Network in Hamlet2021-06-01 16:51
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A107383283

Title: A Study on the History of Disgust Emotion Interpretation and the Results of Artificial Intelligence Emotion Network in Hamlet

Author: Park So Young

Journal: Journal of AI Humanities (JAIH)

Vol: 7

Pages: 195-224

Date: 2021.

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


Could AI read and detect the emotion of human being? The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of AI’s reading emotions in the literary work and to find the possibility and limitations of applying it to the humanistic research, at the present stage of development of AI technology. For this purpose, I choose the play "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, 1601) by William Shakespeare. I will first briefly look at the history of interpretation of this work, in which disgust emotion expressed has come to the critical attention. Then, I will look at the disgust emotion network produced by processing AI emotion network algorithm to this work. Finally, I will compare the disgust emotion read and detected by human reader and AI reader.

Chung-Ang University, Humanities Research Institute
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