• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleA Study on the Improvement of the Accuracy Diagnosis Criteria in Public Language2019-01-17 11:06
Writer Level 10

Serial Number : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105803144

Title : A Study on the Improvement of the Accuracy Diagnosis Criteria in Public Language

Author : 이지용 (Ji-yong LEE) , 김미선 (Mi-seon KIM)

Journal : 한민족문화연구 (The Review of Korean Cultural Studies)

Vol. : 62 No.- [2018]

Pages : 105-137

Published by : 한민족문화학회 (The Associtaion for Korean Cultural Studies)

Date : 2018.06

Register Information : KCI

Etc. : First Author; Ji-yong LEE/ Corresponding Author; Mi-seon KIM



The public language has been established in the concept, categories, and diagnostic criteria in detail from the study of Min HS et al(2010). Based on this, the accuracy and communicability on the public language, especially on the press materials have been evaluated every year since 2011. The public language is the one that the public officers use in the public documents generated for the subjects of social community members in the purpose of public interest. That means the essential elements of the public language should include the public elements in the contexts of purpose, main agents, subjects, and situation of the language usage. Therefore, it is very important to use this public language accurately in terms of not only norms but also the efficiency of communication.

Hence, this study aims to review, supplement, and systemize the evaluation criteria on the accuracy category of the diagnostic tasks for the public language performed since 2011 up to date in National Institute of the Korean Language. To do so, it is to analyze the standards used in the diagnosis so far how they have been modified in the real analytical processes. The diagnostic criteria deductively suggested by Min HS et al(2010) are analyzed how they were applied during the diagnosis of the real press materials to be adjusted by the real analysis results of Kim MS et al(2017) recently performed. By suggesting more realistic and systematic diagnostic criteria, the utility and validity would be secured on the future diagnostic projects.

Key words : accuracy  ,administrative institution  ,public language  ,press materials  ,diagnostic criteria ,evaluation

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