Serial Number :
Title : Semantic Network Analysis to Improve Communicability Evaluation of Public Language - Focusing on the analysis of evaluation comments
Journal : 정윤희(Yun-Hee JUNG), 조윤정(Yun-Jeong CHO), 임현열(Hyeon-Yeol IM)
Journal : 語文論集
Vol. : 75 No.- [2018]
Pages : 103-125
Published by : 중앙어문학회 (The Society of Chung-Ang Lang & Lit.)
Date : 2018.09
Register Information : KCI
etc. : First Author; Yun-Hee JUNG / Corresponding Author; Hyeon-Yeol IM
This study aims to analyze communication evaluation comments of a public language evaluation team using the language network analysis technique and to provide the basic data for improving public language communication evaluation; namely, evaluation comments from press releases were analyzed. The frequently appearing words in the comments were extracted and the association among these words was investigated. The results indicated that among the elements of the communication evaluation, the evaluators addressed words that were related to informativeness and ease of use. On the other hand, the appearance frequency of words related to public factors was low. In addition, the appearance frequency of words was high, even though the accuracy factor was not evaluated.
Key words : Public language ,Communicability ,Evaluation method ,Semantic network analysis ,Publicness ,informativeness ,ease of use