Serial Number :
Title : A Hermeneutics of Artificial Intelligence(AI)
Author : 최성환 (Sung-hWan CHOI)
Journal : 현대유럽철학연구 (Researches in Contemporary European Philosophy)
Vol. : 51 No.- [2018]
Pages : 309-354
Published by : 한국하이데거학회 (Heidegger-Gesellschaft In Korea)
Date : 2018.10
Register Information : KCI
etc. :
The purpose of the present study is under the title of “A Hermeneutics of Artificial Intelligence(AI)” to examine the philosophical attitude and task that are required for the fourth industrial revolution era especially characterized by artificial intelligence (AI) and big data etc. The numerous modern philosophers have attempted to redefine the Life-world (Lebenswelt) on the basis of criticism about technology. However, it is as difficult to answer accurately “Will technological advances threaten human beings?” as it is to answer accurately “Will human beings overcome risks of technology, and realize the ideal world?” Therefore, it might be more reasonable for modern philosophers to evaluate unbiasedly pros and cons of technological advances, and then find philosophical tasks within the unbiased assessment results. The current study, for that reason, reconstitutes the classical “Explaining-Understanding Schema (Erklaren-Verstehen Schema)”, and presents the several significant perspectives on nature and learning of Helmholtz, Goethe and Dilthey as models to develop our own thought on technological advances, with particular emphasis on the necessity of radical change in philosophical attitude rather than the actual knowledge about philosophical attitude itself. Furthermore, this study addresses the philosophical relevance of an emerging controversy surrounding the relationship between AI and anthropocentrism. The models and findings displayed in this study could provide new discernment to blossom philosophy again although humanities is having hard time.
Key words : Artificial Intelligence(AI) , Hermeneutics , Explaining-Understanding Schema , Anthropocentrism , Helmholtz , Goethe , Dilthey