• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleRelationship between Posthuman and human and problem of identity2019-08-21 14:36
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A106186587

Title: Relationship between Posthuman and human and problem of identity

Author: Kim, Hye-teak

Journal: Multi Cultural Contents Studies

Vol: Vol.- No.22

Pages: 87-114(28)

Published by: culture technology research institute

Date: 2019. 

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


This paper aims to deal with posthuman identity problems in relation to the body. Uncanny and the rejection of existing order, which is emphasized in surrealism, overthrows the stereotypes of modernity. The works of Hans Bellmer, which Hal Foster focuses on, show the uncanny structure of the body that is completely different from the body of modernity. We think of this uncanny appearance in relation to Transhuman and Post Human. The difference between humans and post-humans at the physical level makes the human have more firm beliefs about their identity. Post Human is a living being with us. Researchers are generally pessimistic about the symbiosis of humans and post-humans. The reason is that the development of artificial intelligence will create its own autonomy, and that autonomy will cause artificial intelligence to set its own goals. And the goal can be quite different from the human goal. Therefore, humans and post-humans should have a competitive relationship to achieve their goals. Experience shows, of course, that if they cooperate towards one goal, they will achieve great teamwork. Nonetheless, one thing is certain that we can now see the end of a complete ‘human-centered world’.

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