Serial Number:
Title: The Role of Confidence in Government in Acceptance Intention towards Artificial Intelligence
Author: SeoI Hwang, Youngja Nam
Journal: Journal of Digital Convergence
Vol: 18(8)
Pages: 217-224
Date: 2020.
Register Information: KCI
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The purpose of this study is to discuss implications for government policy aimed at increasing public’s intention to accept AI. Knowledge regarding AI and feelings regarding AI were found to influence acceptance to intention towards AI. Hierarchical regression analysis was then conducted to explore the moderation effect of confidence in government on knowledge and feelings regarding AI. Results showed that as advanced knowledge regarding AI has a positive influence on acceptance intention towards AI and negative feelings regarding AI has a negative influence on acceptance intention towards AI. Feelings regarding AI had the highest impact on acceptance intention towards AI, followed by confidence in government and knowledge regarding AI. Results also revealed that a high level of confidence in government regulations was associated with greater acceptance intention towards AI and a low level of confidence in government regulations acceptance intention towards AI was more influenced by feelings regarding AI than by knowledge regarding AI. Furthermore, religion had a significant influence on acceptance intention towards AI, which provides one insightful direction for future research.