중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소


학술지지난 호 보기

지난 호 보기

eISSN: 2951-388X
Print ISSN: 2635-4691 / Online ISSN: 2951-388X
제목[인공지능인문학연구 9권] Sociality of Algorithm and the Balcony: Studying Actual and Virtual Space - Aditi Vashistha2022-01-18 15:14
작성자 Level 10
첨부파일6.Aditi_Vashistha.pdf (251.3KB)


Covid 19 has hit our lives in India 2020. This locked people inside their homes. Locked in their houses, they explored two spaces particularly. One is the space of Balcony and the other is algorithm induced space such as Facebook and Instagram. This paper attempts to read the sociality produced by these two spaces in relation to each other. Both worked as a window to the outside world and produced similar kinds of experiences. There are certain similarities in the kind of sociality algorithm and balcony produce. Both created sociality where one can enter the space and leave it anytime.


Keywords – COVID-19, Sociality, Algorithm, Balcony, Democracy, Protest, Mental Health


Table of Contents

1)     Methodology

2)     Sociality Induced by Algorithms and the Balcony

3)     The Political Space

4)     Mental Health

중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소
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