중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소


학술지지난 호 보기

지난 호 보기

eISSN: 2951-388X
Print ISSN: 2635-4691 / Online ISSN: 2951-388X
제목[인공지능인문학연구 11권] Cultural Frames of the Digital: A Window into Subjectivity _ Avantika Tewari2022-09-07 16:24
작성자 Level 10
첨부파일2-Avantika Tewari=outline.pdf (22.65MB)


1. Backdrop of Capitalism-in-Decay

2. A Cry for Help from the Doomers

3. OK Boomer: The Digital Commons?

4. Conclusion: Zoomers as the Failed Bourgeois


In the following paper, I will examine the generational rift between the purported “Boomers” and “Zoomers” in the digital schema. In doing so, I will unpack the ways in which the dominant digital ideology structures the lives of individuals – providing the symbolic frame to define themselves against and within society through an internally splintered digital subjectivity. I argue that the ideological conflict between Boomers and Zoomers is reflective of much deeper antagonisms underlying the structure of class society.

중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소
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