중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소






제목ICAIH2019: The second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities2020-07-22 21:41
작성자 Level 10
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“ICAIH 2019: The Second International Conference on

Artificial Intelligence Humanities


Date and Time: 14th of August, 2019  9:00 ~  18:20

Avenue: Chung-Ang University, Seoul campus, Centennial Hall(Building # 310), # B601

Topic: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human and Society

Keynote speakers

1. Daeshik Kim (KAIST, Korea): “The concept of truth in the age of A.I.”

2. Paul Dumouchel (Ritsmeikan University, Japan): “Philosophy and the Politics of Moral Machines”

3. Jinho Park(Seoul National University, Korea): “The Role of Domain Knowledge in Deep learning-based Language Processing and Research”


Invited speakers

1. IIhan Ilkilic(Istanbul University, Turkey: “Ethical and Cultural Aspects of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine”

2. Michael Cheng-tek Tai(Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan): “The Impact of artificial intelligence on human society and bioethics”

3. Nathan Cole(Salt Lake Community College, US): “Fears, Cheers, and Careers: Science Fiction’s Representation of the Mythology and Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Humanity and Society”

4. Yude Bi(Fudan Universityy, China): “Construction of a descriptive framework for grammatical attributes of Korean connective endings in natural language understanding”

5. Jean Lassègue(French National Research Centre, France): “The Impact of Digital Transformations on the Rule of Law”

6. Bingnan Zheng·Tianqun Pan(Nanjing University, China): “How Could a Machine Play Language Games with Us?”

7. Miriam Cha(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US): “How to generate fake data using adversarial learning”

8. Jeongho Sim(IBM Korea): “Empowering Healthcare with artificial intelligence: How could we frame it?”

9. Changwon Jeong(Wonkwang University, Korea): “Preparing  the future of medical image related research with AI”

10. Yeongsun Park(Samsung SDS): “Introduction of Sansung SDS Cello AI Solution”

11. Nguyen Phuc Anh(Hanoi University, Vietnam): “Pressures to Make “Modern” and “Civilized” Families: The Meaning of Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVA) in Vietnam“

12. Sang Eun Woo(Purdue University, US): “AI and Psychology of Work”

13. Heehyung Mun(Wonkwang University, Korea): “Open Knowledge Graph of Historical Heritages for Korean Religions”

14. Iva Rinčić(University of Rijeka, Croatia): “Artificially intelligent living: smart cities and bioethical standards”

15. Amir Muzur(University of Rijeka, Croatia): “Artificial intelligence and consciousness: an epharmological analysis” 

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