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제목한국어 TTS 경음화 발음의 국어학적 점검2020-06-29 12:52
작성자 Level 10


제목: 한국어 TTS 경음화 발음의 국어학적 점검

Korean linguistic examination of tensification pronunciation pruduced by Korean TTS

저자명: 임현열

학술지명: 한말연구

권호사항: Vol.0 No.54 [2019]

수록면:  207-232(26쪽)

발행년도: 2019

등재정보: KCI

The purpose of this study is to suggest how to improve pronunciation of Korean TTS from the point of view of Korean language. In particular, this study focused on the tensification pronunciation of TTS. For this purpose, this study examined the tensification pronunciation of Korean TTS. The pronunciation examination was done in two steps. The first step was a basic examination. We examined whether Korean TTS applied the six tensification rules of the standard pronunciation regulation. The six tensification rules were examined in 11 subtypes. The second step was a deepening examination. The problems arising from the basic examination were examined more closely. The deepening examination extended the number of words to be examined. Examination of the pronunciation of the TTS revealed problems with the four types of the tensification. Based on the results, this study proposed the following to improve the pronunciation of the tensification. (1) The pronunciation information must be faithfully attached to the words related to the tensification. (2) In order to process the tensification that occurs when the stem and the ending combine, the pronunciation information related to the tensification must be attached to the stem and the ending. (3) When the dependent nouns are combined after the adnominal form '-(으) ㄹ' in predicate, the rules of tensification should be applied carefully. (4) Regardless of the spacing, when a chain of obstruent sounds occurs in consecutive nouns, the obstruent sound in the back should be pronounced as tensificated sound. In order for these studies to lead to substantial improvements in TTS, collaboration between engineering and linguistics is required. 

중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소
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