중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소






제목Perceived Overqualification, Boredom, and Extra-Role Behaviors: Testing a Moderated Mediation Model2019-06-15 15:28
작성자 Level 10

고유번호: https://doi.org/10.1177/0894845319853879 

제목: Perceived Overqualification, Boredom, and Extra-Role Behaviors: Testing a Moderated Mediation Model

저자명: JeongJin Kim, Jiyoung Park, Young Woo Sohn, Jung In Lim

학술지명:Journal of Career Development

권호사항: in press

수록면: 1~15

발행처: SAGE Journals

발행년도: 2019.06.

등재정보: SSCI

기타사항: 주저자=JeongJin Kim, 교신저자=Jiyoung Park


Despite increasing research on the mechanisms that underlie the relation between perceived overqualification (POQ) and extra-role behaviors, the relation’s affective mechanisms have been understudied. In this study, we focus on the role of job boredom among overqualified workers in order to understand two types of extra-role behaviors: counterproductive work behaviors (CWB) and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Using a sample of white-collar employees in South Korea (N = 298), we found that job boredom fully mediated the effects of POQ on CWB and OCB after controlling for the effects of state anger and neuroticism. We additionally examined whether career calling moderates the indirect effects of POQ on CWB and OCB via job boredom and found career calling mitigated the negative indirect effect of POQ on OCB via job boredom. However, career calling did not moderate the positive indirect effect of POQ on CWB. Implications of these findings are discussed.

중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소
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