중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소






제목The relationship between communication competence and exercise participation type: focusing on joining clubs and using fitness applications2019-01-14 13:50
작성자 Level 10

고유번호: https://doi.org/10.12965/jer.1836546.273

제목: The relationship between communication competence and exercise participation type: focusing on joining clubs and using fitness applications

저자명: Yumi Yi; Jin-Hee Seo

학술지명: Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation

권호사항: 14(6)

수록면: 934-938

발행처: Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation

발행년도: December 27, 2018


기타사항: Corresponding author: Jin-Hee Seo


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the differences in subfactors of communication competence on exercise participation types (clubs, applications use). Communication competence focus on the communication part of the individual’s interpersonal competence. Therefore, communication competence can be predicted to be related to the type of exercise participation. Accordingly, the targets of this study were clubs, which had group characteristics, and fitness applications, which had individual characteristics. There was a significant difference as a result of the association between communication competence and the type of exercise participation. In terms of club membership, significant differences were found in communication competence skills according to exercise participation types in that self-disclosure of subjects who joined clubs was significant, social relaxation of subjects who intend to join a club was significant, and the immediacy of fitness applications users was significant.


Communication competence, Exercise participation type, Sports club, Fitness applications, Interpersonal relation, Self-disclosure

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