중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소






제목Groundwork of Artificial Intelligence Humanities2020-06-29 15:27
작성자 Level 10


제목: Groundwork of Artificial Intelligence Humanities

저자명: 이찬규, 김형주

학술지명: Jahr

권호사항: Vol. 11 No. 1 

발행년도: 2020

등재정보: Scopus

The aim of the Artificial Intelligence Humanities is to present humanistic suggestions for our lives and academia regarding how humans will live in a smart city surrounded by artificial intelligence technology. With that purpose in mind, we introduce the groundwork for the Artificial Intelligence Humanities and share our related concerns. As a concept, “Artificial Intelligence Humanities” comprises three elements: “artificial intelligence,” “content of the humanities,” and “methodology of the humanities.” The “content of the humanities,” comprises the derivatives of the traditional humanities, namely, linguistics, literature, history, ethics, sociology, and cultural studies. These five research areas, along with the discipline created through the traditional humanities’ acceptance of the changes brought by the age of intelligence, are derived by reflecting on oneself and the world, and they are applied to the world as it exists today in the age of artificial intelligence and the humanities. 

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