• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

JournalsPast Issues

Past Issues

eISSN: 2951-388X
Print ISSN: 2635-4691 / Online ISSN: 2951-388X
Title[Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities Vol.6] Climate Change and Digital Media_Eunjoo Choi2021-02-03 22:21
Writer Level 10
Attachment3.최은주.이은정.채선규.심지원.pdf (14.3MB)

Climate Change and Digital Media 

Eunjoo Choi 


In digital media, the problem of climate change is distorted to a large extent. Due to this, the importance of media literacy is being emphasized by various institutions nationwide, but its approach is limited to recognizing the problem of post-truth through a comprehensive analysis of the media. In particular, climate change issues are based on the needs of the state and interest groups, using favorable data, and disrupting scientific evidence by setting refractory verification standards. In addition, as the history of the media has become digital, the existing attribute of the media, "intention," is becoming more serious and biased through the "recommended algorithm" of the digital environment. Despite the ongoing efforts of environmental campaigns and organizations, only 27% of people in the United States are aware of climate change, and the rest are unaware that climate change is real. Although the seriousness of climate change is accounted for, the fact that climate change is real is being fabricated, and the general public is confused. As digital media affects and alters human subjects, this research is necessary to help them find their own right to “know” about the environment, which is a proper place to live.. 

keyword: Digital Media, Climate Change, Social Media, Artificial Intelligence Algorithm, Data Mining, Envirionment

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