• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleThe Feature and Representation of ‘Science and Technology’ Appears on 『Journal of Science Museum(科學館報)』 in the 1930s 저자명2019-01-17 13:32
Writer Level 10

Serial Number : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105610283

Title : The Feature and Representation of ‘Science and Technology’ Appears on 『Journal of Science Museum(科學館報)』 in the 1930s

Author : 한미라(Mi-Ra HAN), 이대화(Dae-Hwa LEE)

Journal : 문화와 융합 (Journal of Culture and Convergence)

Vol. : 40 No.5 [2018]

Pages : 543-576

Published by : 한국문화융합학회

Date : 2018.09

Register Information : KCI

etc. :



 The most controversial issue in the field of science and technology is the so-called 4th industrial revolution , including artificial intelligence. The position on this matter is divided into hopeful and critical perspectives. Those who support the hopeful position expect that artificial intelligence will make the future of human beings more enriching, while critics negatively see the future of 4th industrial revolution by addressing ethical sues. Although the current argument seems very intense but similar debates has been repeated every time humanity developed innovative technology. In this paper, the case about recognition of science and technology in the 1930s was analyzed. At that time, the positive prospects on advanced technology were outnumbered. However, their strong belief caused a tragic result, the World War II. Hence, reconsidering the previous situation will help to analyze the current science and technology debate.

As a result, the understanding level of science and technology of the colonial Joseon in the 1930s was subordinated to Imperial Japan. At that time, Japan imported modern science without distinguishing between natural science and engineering, as well as military and national policies dominated science. With the systematic discrimination of colonial rule and ethnic discrimination, the scientific recognition of the colonial Joseon was unilaterally dominated by the Joseon Government-General s policy. The purpose of science and technology policy of the colonial Joseon in the 1930s was to form the basis of mobilization of science . It was necessary to train human resources in a short period of time with a level of education that can be mobilized in the military industry, as well as to exploit and recycle material resources. In order to achieve these goals, advanced weapons including aircrafts were considered as science and technology and created positive views. Additionally, the phenomenon, where the development of substitution resources were highly evaluating to cover Japan s weakness, appeared. In other words, the perception on science and technology or the future prospect seems value neutral and causes an optical illusion that seems to suggest a long-term view. However, it should be recognized that it can actually be negatively used as method to cover the matter of policy faced at that time.

Key words : Imperial Japan  ,Colonial Joseon  ,Science and Technology  ,Total War ,The Science Memorial Museum of King s Grace  ,Journal of Science Museum(科學館報)

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