• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

Academic ActivitiesPublications


Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleA study on the liaison of TTS produced by Naver Papago and Google translator2019-01-17 10:34
Writer Level 10

Serial number : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105451430

Title: Post-Human and Mythological Imagination Reproduced in SF Movies - With a Focus on AI Movies and Planet of the Apes Reboot Series -

Author : 이명현(Myeoung-Hyun LEE)  

Journal : 문화와 융합(Culture and Convergence)

Vol. : 40 No.3 [2018]

pages : 1-28

Published by : 한국문화융합학회

Date : 2018.06

Register Information : KCI

etc. :



This paper presents an investigation into the ways that the emergence of post-humans due to the development of science and technology and the resulting new regulations about man and humanity were reproduced in SF movies. Mankind denied the design by God and overturned the anthropocentric thinking according to the advancement of science and technology. Man is trying to replace gods and myths with science and technology. People s current attempt to overcome their human finiteness is manifested in the trans-humanism movement to pursue post-human values. Such an attempt is for human beings to become the designers of life and intellect themselves by figuring out the secrets of life and evolution.

Since man is an incomplete being, however, there is no knowing the final stage of evolution. The resulting anxiety and fear is reproduced as dystopia in SF movies. Human beings become a creator themselves, creating artificial intelligence and anthropoid subjects, but they have a fear of being annihilated by their creations. Mythological imagination about relations between a creator and his or her creations is penetrating AI movies and Planet of the Apes Reboot series and arouses attention to human incompleteness by having people reflect on their relations with their creations.

Key words : SF Movies  ,Post-Human  ,trans-humanism  ,AI ,AI movies  ,Planet of the Apes Reboot series  ,Mythological Imagination

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