Serial Number :
Title : Study on Significance of Artificial Intelligence in TV show, Person of Interest
Author : 이현정 (Hyun-Jung RHEE)
Journal : 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 (Journal of he Korea Contents Society)
Vol. L 18 No.9 [2018]
Pages : 116-124
Published by : 한국콘텐츠학회 (The Korea Contents Society)
Dage : 2018.09
Register Information : KCI
etc. :
This study aimed to interpreting the view of current media by artificial intelligence(AI) with the case of a TV show Person of Interest, which was broadcasted until 2016 in US. In this study, we first attempted to find how AI reflects the three laws of robotics, which often appear in Science Fictions. In addition, we paid attention to how the society looks according to the change of the manipulator of the AI, and as a result we derived the distinguishes of the show from other content dealing with robots or AI in terms of narrative. Through this study, we classified the messages in accordance of AI into three categories- importance of data sovereignty, potential of intelligence explosion, and blind faith in high technology. This study suggested that the show emphasizes the consciousness and attitude that should be possessed as a citizen who meets the era of AI prior to raising issue of ‘what artificial intelligence is should be developed for our convenience?’
Key words : Artificial Intelligence ,Three Laws of Robotics ,AI Narratives ,Worldview of AI