Serial Number :
Title : Non-polite 3rd person prononimal uses of yay/kyay/cyay in Spoken Korean
Author : 김아림 (Ah-rim KIM)
Journal : 언어와 언어학 (Language and Linguistics)
Vol. : 80 No.- [2018]
Pages : 1-39
Published by : 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 (Language Research Institute (LRI))
Date : 2018.08
Register Information: KCI
etc. :
It has been argued hitherto that 3rd person pronoun does not exist in Spoken Korean. However, examination of attested spoken Korean data reveals that the forms yay/kyay/cyay (phonologically and orthographically fused forms of the construction [demonstratives i/ku/ce + ai 'child']) have very high degree of 3rd person pronominal uses, showing high frequency of occurrence. The aim of this paper is to describe various 3rd person pronominal uses of these three forms by analyzing naturally occurring spontaneous conversational data collected from the 21st Century Sejong Corpus, as well as spoken data collected from diverse TV programs. Observation of the data reveals that yay/kyay/cyay have a functional restriction, not being able to refer a third party whose social and cultural hierarchy is higher than the speaker. Hence, this paper proposes that they function as ‘non-polite 3rd person pronouns', to be precise, in spoken Korean. Furthermore, a closer examination shows that the three forms yay, kyay, and cyay also have uses that are distinct from each other. This study argues that their functional differences are directly connected to the functional differences between the three forms of demonstratives i, ku, ce, which etymologically form parts of yay, kyay and cyay, respectively.
Key wrods : yay/kyay/cyay , third person pronoun , non-polite pronouns , Spoken Korean , Discourse Analysis