Serial Number :
Title : A Study on the Chatbot Design for the Korean Public Language
Author : 이지용 (Ji-Yong Lee)
Journal : 한국언어문화학 (Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture)
Vol. : 15 No.2 [2018]
Pages : 333-367
Published by : 국제한국언어문화학회 (International Network for Korean Language and Culture)
Date : 2018.08
Register Information : KCI
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Korea has incurred economic losses due to the incorrect use of the Korean language; the use of wrong language has resulted in problems related to both language as well as practical and direct policies, demonstrating the relationship between language and society. Thus, the problem of communication through public language is important not only because of economic reasons but also because they can emerge as a social problem, since our society is accelerating toward diversity with a diverse target of accepting the publicity, namely a multicultural society. In other words, public language should expand readability and acceptability as well as account for the underprivileged. Therefore, for effective communication between public policy and the people, the accuracy and communicability of the language of the public press, in particular, is very important. The National Language Institute annually conducts a diagnosis of the public language. The purpose of the policies is to maximize communicability through real language troubleshooting. However, it is difficult to explicitly understand how much progress the policies have made annually and how much feedback from the actual diagnosis results is accepted. Therefore, the effectiveness of the policies must be improved. In this study, the causes and aspects of these problems were analyzed to present the need for the development of automated systems for linkage and efficiency of public language diagnostic projects, and the methodology was sought..(Chung-Ang university)
Key words : Korean public language , chatbot design , public language diagnosis , automation system , public press releases