• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

Academic ActivitiesPublications


Academic ActivitiesPublications


Title Relationship between Intention to Use Delivery App and Personality Traits - Focused on Communication Apprehension and Innovativeness -2019-01-17 13:29
Writer Level 10

Serial Number : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105614238

Title : Relationship between Intention to Use Delivery App and Personality Traits - Focused on Communication Apprehension and Innovativeness -

Author : 이유미(Yu-Mi Yi)  

Journla : 인문콘텐츠 (Journal of Humancontents)

Vol. : No.50 [2018]

Pages : 65-82

Published by : 인문콘텐츠학회(Human Contents of Association)

Date : 2018.09

Register Information : KCI등재

etc. :



The present study aims to understand the relationship between twenty-something university students’ use intentions of delivery app service and system properties of delivery app and personality traits such as communication apprehension and innovativeness. Delivery app is a new medium which replaces face-to-face communications; not informal communication between close people, but formal communication for business transaction. Therefore, people with communication apprehension are more likely to choose a substitute media when they can use it instead of direct communication with others. As delivery apps substitute for direct communication, it is predictable that there is strong relatedness between delivery app users and communication apprehension. Against this backdrop, this paper intends to identify the relation between delivery app users’ frequency of use, communication apprehension, and innovativeness-willingness to actively adopt new technology. To this end, university students, who were in their late teens and twenties when delivery app services emerged, have been interviewed for the research. The result showed that use of delivery app is just another way of communication among various media and universal cultural trend and the relation with communication apprehension or innovativeness was not confirmed. The convenience of the delivery app service only influenced its use. However, subdivision of the convenience into different dimensions revealed a strong correlation between its function to substitute interpersonal communication and communication apprehension. This result has confirmed a correlation between the reasons of using delivery apps and communication apprehension.

Key words : delivery App service  ,communication apprehension ,user convenience  ,consumer innovativeness  ,mobile accessibility  ,communication  ,post-benefit  ,twenties

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