• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleA Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training System for Correcting Pronunciation of Adjacent Phonemes2019-04-11 16:20
Writer Level 10

Serial Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.9708/jksci.2019.24.02.009

Title :  A Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training System forCorrecting Pronunciation of Adjacent Phonemes

Author : Lee, Jae-sung

Journal : Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information

VOl. : Vol.24, No.2 [2019]

Pages :  9-16

Published by : Korean Society of Computer Information

Date : 2019.2

Register Information : kCI

etc. :



Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training system is considered to be a useful tool for pronunciation learning for students who received elementary level English pronunciation education, especially for students who have difficulty in correcting their pronunciation in front of others or who are not able to receive face-to-face training. The conventional Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training system shows the word to the user, the user pronounces the word, and then the system provides phoneme or audio feedback according to the pronunciation of the user. In this paper, we propose a Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training system that can practice on the varying pronunciation according to positions of adjacent phonemes. To achieve this, the proposed system is implemented by recommending a series of words by focusing on adjacent phonemes for simplicity and clarity. Experimental results showed that word recommendation considering adjacent phonemes leads to improvement of pronunciation accuracy. 

<Key words>

 Educational Data Mining, Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training, Automatic Feedback, Word Recommendation, Adjacent Phonemes

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