• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

Academic ActivitiesPublications


Academic ActivitiesPublications


Title Beyond the Posthumanism -A Try to Laying a Conceptional Foundation Artificial Intelligence Humanities-2019-04-11 13:44
Writer Level 10

Serial Number : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A106066895

Title : Beyond the Posthumanism -A Try to Laying a Conceptional Foundation Artificial Intelligence Humanities-

Author : Kim, Hyung-ju, Lee, Chan-kyu

Vol. : Vol.53 No.- [2019]

pages : 51-80


Date : 2019.2

Rigister Information : KCI

etc. : First Author=Kim, hyung-ju, Corresponding Author=Lee, Chan-kyu


This research aims to establish a kind of foundation for the establishment of “artificial intelligence humanities”. To do this, we first classify the three elements of ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘contents of humanities’, and ‘methods of humanities’. Second, we will examine the history of the concept of humanities from the humanism of the era of artificial intelligence, called the fourth industrial revolution era, to the Renaissance and modern times. Through this, they pursue the viewpoint of post-humanists who read the age of artificial intelligence and extract the contents of the traditional humanities that they are presupposing. Lastly, we apply the reflective role as a methode of humanities, which is one of the essential mission of that, to the content extracted from the previous one. Through this, we derive five parts of artificial intelligence, which are restructured by accepting the changes of the artificial intelligence age on the base of the traditional parts of humanities.

<Key words>

Artificial Intelligence Humanities, Artificial Intelligence, Humanities, Post-humanism, World-Hermeneutics, Reflective Charater of Humanities 

Chung-Ang University, Humanities Research Institute
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