Serial Number :
Title : Bruno Latour’s Critique of the Concept of Occidental ‘Modernity’: Focused on ‘Actor-Network Theory’
Author : Yang, Jae Hyeok
Jounal : The Western History Review
Vol. : 141
Pages : 109-135
Published by : The Korean Society for Western History
Date : 2019
Register Information: KCI
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When we recognize contemporary society as an era of ‘artificial intelligence’ or ‘fourth industrial revolution’, we implicitly place the origin of contemporary society in an era called ‘modern’. Historically, one of the simplest approaches in understanding contemporary society is to describe the current world as an outcome of the development or advancement in science and technology based on rationality, a central element of modernity. This article attempts to analyze Bruno Latour’s discourse on modernity with the aim of questioning the general understanding of modernity as the basis of contemporary society and to explore the potential of revising ‘modernity’. Latour identifies his work as a confrontation or struggle against the dichotomous perception that holds the modernist myth, according to the division of pre-modern/modern, past/present, object/subject, civilization/non-civilization, Occident/Orient etc. For Latour, the real world is not divided based on such mythology. In this regard, Latour’s Actor-Network Theory as a critique on modernity, will offer new perspectives on modernity in various disciplines including history.