• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleThe Mental Health of Adolescents in the Post-Human Era: A Study of the Relationship Between Non Face-To-Face Communication Media and Verbal Violence2021-05-31 16:12
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A106482725

Title: The Mental Health of Adolescents in the Post-Human Era: A Study of the Relationship Between Non Face-To-Face Communication Media and Verbal Violence

Author: Yi Yu-mi, Meeyoung Oh

Journal: The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education

Vol:  20(3)

Pages: 123-134

Date: 2019.

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of verbal violence that adolescents face in the post-human age, when the non-face-to-face media is increasing.
Methods: A survey was conducted on 305 adolescents, aged 14 to 16 years of middle school and high school students. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 25.0.
Results: As a result of conducting multiple regression analysis to identify the type of conversation that affects verbal abuse of adolescents, a model with a conversation with family, conversation with other people, messenger conversation such as KakaoTalk, and video chat conversation was selected. The amount of explanation was 11.4%. (R2 = .114) Of these, non-face-to-face conversations have been shown to increase verbal violence, and face-to-face conversations with family have, in turn, lowered the risk. As a result of t-testing to examine the effect of verbal abuse experience on the verbal violence index, the damage experience was significant in depression (p = .042) and impulsive aggression (p = .021). (P = .000).
Conclusion: This study reiterates the importance of family dialogue along with the fact that the development of various non-face-to-face media in the Fourth Industrial Revolution can have a negative impact on adolescent mental health.

Chung-Ang University, Humanities Research Institute
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