• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleWhy Ethics is: A Landscape of Modern AI Ethics Debate, Its Features and Limitations 2021-05-31 21:53
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr.proxy.cau.ac.kr/link?id=A106831437

Title: Why Ethics is: A Landscape of Modern AI Ethics Debate, Its Features and Limitations 

Author: Heo Eu-Sun, Lee Yeon-Hee, Shim Ji-Won

Journal:  HEF

Vol: (24)

Pages: 165-209

Date: 2020.

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


Despite the tension of a technology-ethics that ethics generally regard as a inhibitor to the development of technology, why is ethical discussions more actively requested and increased regarding artificial intelligence technology? In order to answer this question, a meta-research is needed to look at and critically review the current discussion of artificial intelligence ethics as a whole. Focusing on discussing artificial intelligence ethics at the current technology level, we review artificial intelligence ethics literature published mainly by major artificial intelligence actors such as governments, international organizations and companies in each country mainly the last three years. And through this, we critically examine the characteristics of today's discussions on artificial intelligence ethics. The paper reveals the purpose for which ethics is requested at present in the discussion of artificial intelligence ethics, the overall trend of artificial intelligence ethics discussion, and in conclusion, ‘artificial intelligence ethics’ will have to be carried out with the whole stage of technology, recognizing that ethics are already melted in the planning, formation and deployment of technology, prior to the development and application of the society of technology.

Chung-Ang University, Humanities Research Institute
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