• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleA Study on the Artificial Intelligence Citizenship Education2021-05-31 17:02
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A106771889

Title: A Study on the Artificial Intelligence Citizenship Education

Author: Byun Sun-Yong

Journal:  Korean Elementary Moral Education Society

Vol: (67)

Pages: 427-445

Date: 2020.

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


AI citizenship education, unlike digital citizenship education, requires three competencies. First, the ability to manage systems and operations so that human dignity and autonomy are respected under AI systems is emphasized in future societies. Second, in order to prevent the harm that AI systems can cause to humans in advance, and afterwards to hold and realize the responsibility for the development, production, management, and use of such AI systems, the ability to establish appropriate procedures and standards to systematically guarantee the transparency or explainability of AI systems is needed. Finally, the emphasis is on the ability of fairness to address the problems of bias and the inequality that can arise from the recent bias of big data.
Factors that have been suggested as important criteria in ethics certification for AI until recently are Responsibility / Accoutability, Transparency and Minimum Algorithmic Bias. In addition, controllability, safety, security, respect for human rights, and common good are emphasized in the ethical guidelines. This should be added as an important part of AI citizenship. As these issues are now emphasized in Europe's reliable AI, China's responsible AI as well as in explainable AI, the rights and responsibilities that can be derived from these factors should be included in AI citizenship education.

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