• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleA Study on the Types of Classic Fiction Using Deep Learning Techniques - Focusing on Hero Novels and Romantic Novels -2021-05-31 16:51
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A106637554

Title: A Study on the Types of Classic Fiction Using Deep Learning Techniques - Focusing on Hero Novels and Romantic Novels -

Author: Kang Woo-kyu, Kim Ba-ro

Journal: International Association Of Language And Literature

Vol: (84)

Pages: 9-35

Date: 2020.

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


This study analyzed the typology of works identified as hero novels and romantic novels using artificial intelligence deep learning. First, we built a deep learning type learning model based on hero novels such as Jowoongjeon, Sodaesungjeon, and Imjanggunjeon, and romantic novels such as Sukhyangjeon and Sookyoungnangjajeon. Through this, we verified six works of hero novels(Geumbanguljeon, Jangbaekjeon, Jangpungunjeon, Jungsujeongjeon, Hyunsumunjeon, and Hwangunjeon) and four works of romantic novels(Baekhaksunjeun, Ssangjugiyeon, YangsanBaekjeon, and Okjuhoyeon).
As a result, Baekhaksunjeun, Ssangjugiyeon, and YangsanBaekjeon, which had a difference opinion between romantic novels and hero novels, were identified as romantic novels. Geumbanguljeon, Jangbaekjeon, Jangpungunjeon, and Hyunsumunjeon were also identified as romantic novels. Only Jungsujeongjeon, Hwangunjeon and Okjuhoyeon were classified as hero novels, all of which were female hero novels.
In other words, the general hero novel and female hero novels such as Jungsujeongjeon, Hwangunjeon share the stylistic tangibility. Novels, such as Jangbaekjeon and Hyunsumunjeon, which feature heroes who cause the downfall of a dynasty, have different stylistic features.

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