• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleEpharmology: a Plea for a New Science and a New Education Paradigm2021-05-31 16:46
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: https://doi.org/10.31192/np.18.1.3

Title: Epharmology: a Plea for a New Science and a New Education Paradigm

Author: Amir Muzur, Iva Rinčić, Jiwon Shim, Sunyong Byun

Journal: Nova prisutnost

Vol: 2020(1)

Pages: 39-45

Date: 2020.

Register Information: SCI/A&HCI

etc.: -


Technological development is characterised by a series of related phenomena – digitalisation, informatisation, robotisation, and globalisation – resulting in continuous and essential adaptations of human brain and behaviour. These adaptations have awaken the interest of numerous disciplines, but their systematic study, actually, is missing. In the present paper, along with the list of several adaptation fields and examples, the establishing of a new science is suggested – epharmology (from the Greek epharmozein = to adapt) which might be able to comprehensively approach the gathering and analysis of data from various observations and sources and, based on discerning between wishful and unwishful adaptations, which could exert influence upon legislation and education reform.

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