• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleStudy on the Direction of Universal Big Data and Big Data Education-Based on the Survey of Big Data Experts2021-05-31 22:02
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr.proxy.cau.ac.kr/link?id=A106829151

Title: Study on the Direction of Universal Big Data and Big Data Education-Based on the Survey of Big Data Experts

Author: Younsoo Park, SuJin Lee

Journal:  JOURNAL OF The Korean Association of information Education

Vol: 24(2)

Pages: 201-214

Date: 2020.

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


Big data is gradually expanding in diverse fields, with changing the data-related legislation. Moreover it would be interest in big data education. However, it requires a high level of knowledge and skills in order to utilize Big Data and it takes a long time for education spends a lot of money for training. We study that in order to define Universal Big Data used to the industrial field in a wide range. As a result, we make the paradigm for Big Data education for college students. We survey to the professional the Big Data definition and the Big Data perception. According to the survey, the Big Data related-professional recognize that is a wider definition than Computer Science Big Data is. Also they recognize that the Big Data Processing dose not be required Big Data Processing Frameworks or High Performance Computers. This means that in order to educate Big Data, it is necessary to focus on the analysis methods and application methods of Universal Big Data rather than computer science (Engineering) knowledge and skills. Based on the our research, we propose the Universal Big Data education on the new paradigm.

Chung-Ang University, Humanities Research Institute
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