• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleA Study on the Necessity of AI Ethics Education2021-06-01 15:12
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A107075000

Title: A Study on the Necessity of AI Ethics Education

Author: Byun Sun-Yong

Journal: The Journal of Korea elementary education

Vol: 31(3)

Pages: 153-164

Date: 2020.

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


The main purpose of this study is to propose the necessity and content of AI ethics educationbased on the analysis of recent domestic and international trends related to AI ethics. Reflectingchanges in UNESCO's AI ethics recommendations, the announcement of the AI national strategy, andthe entry into force of the Framework Act on Intelligent Informatization, we should try to establish acontent system for AI ethics education and integrate it into the moral and curriculum. Therefore, itis necessary to discuss how to accept the new contents of the practical ethics of AI ethics in thecurrent elementary and secondary ethics and education.
In this paper, the need for the establishment of basic AI competencies, the need for AIconvergence education experts, and the need for AI ethics and citizenship education was presented.
As an example of the content structure of AI ethics education, we analyzed the contents of AI ethicseducation developed by MIT and the education program of Harvard University, and proposed anexample of the content system of AI ethics education that can be done in Korea.
In particular, an opportunity to think about the importance of AI ethics education centering onthe topic of 'If artificial intelligence is in charge of knowledge transfer, what should a teacher do?'in the course of training artificial intelligence ethics experts or teachers is necessary to provide. Inthe age of artificial intelligence, education innovation and paradigm shift will surely occur, and it isan important time to reveal that the center is not technology, but artificial intelligence ethics.

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