• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitlePragmatism and Art experience in the era of AI – AI era, the end of art and the restoration of aesthetic experiences2021-05-31 23:10
Writer Level 10

Serial Number: http://www.riss.kr.proxy.cau.ac.kr/link?id=A107048728

Title: Pragmatism and Art experience in the era of AI – AI era, the end of art and the restoration of aesthetic experiences

Author: Kim, Sunkyu

Journal: Philosophical Investigation

Vol: 59

Pages: 175-211

Date: 2020.

Register Information: KCI

etc.: -


Considering the influence of technology on human life, human history can be said to be the history of technological progress. As such, technology is an important part of human life. The importance of technology has increased as the society became an information society called the 3rd Industrial Revolution. Now, human life without IT is hard to imagine, and technology has become more essential to humans. Moreover, the technology of the artificial intelligence era, commonly referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution, has gained an ontological status that is entirely different from the existing technology. Unlike the technology that has been used to assist human beings so far, it is expected that AI-driven technology will lead beyond the use of artificial intelligence, a self-sustaining existence independent of humans. AI technology is also fundamentally for humans, but at the same time, the position of looking at AI technology is clearly divided because of the anxiety that it may not be fully controlled by humans. However, Technophobia and Technophylia are no different. That is, fear of technology is an expression of the reaction of affinity to technology. And it is clear that the dependence on technology will increase, and it is clear that AI technology will expand the field of art considering that it is undoubtedly the fact that AI technology is at the forefront. Therefore, this article is intended to focus not on the exhaustive theoretical review of the pros and cons caused by AI technology, but on the changes that AI technology that is already practiced will bring to the art field. First, we examine whether AI art means the end of existing art, just as people who are negatively concerned about the use of AI technology in art are concerned. The explanation for this requires a prior analysis of how the “end of art” presented in the philosophy of art first appeared.
This article can help AI art restore the "art experience" that was not noticed in the process of intellectualization of art, and focuses on the aesthetics of pragmatism as its rationale. AI art is at the practical level, and pragmatic aesthetics is at the theoretical level associated with the restoration of the “aesthetic experience” that has been overlooked in the existing art philosophy. In order to explain the recovery of this aesthetic experience, it is necessary to review the “aesthetic” and explain the “art experience”. AI art can be expected to expand the art that can complement the limitations of pulpit aesthetics in that it is the restoration of practical art experience that was overlooked in the existing aesthetics centered on theory.

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