



Kant and Artificial Intelligence

Kant and Artificial Intelligence

출판사명 De Gruyter
출판년도 2022.04.04
저자명 Hyeongjoo Kim and Dieter Schönecker
ISBN 9783110706611
1 Minds, Brains, and Deep Learning: The Development of Cognitive Science Through the Lens of Kant’s Approach to Cognition
2 The Apperception Engine
3 The Challenge of (Self-)Consciousness: Kant, Artificial Intelligence and Sense-Making
4 Tracing the Origins of Artificial Intelligence: A Kantian Response to McCarthy’s Call for Philosophical Help
5 A Kantian Perspective on Robot Ethics
6 Kant’s Argument from Moral Feelings: Why Practical Reason Cannot Be Artificial
7 Kant on Trolleys and Autonomous Driving
8 Rightful Machines
9 Partners, Not Parts. Enhanced Autonomy Through Artificial Intelligence? A Kantian Perspective
10 On the Subjective, Beauty and Artificial Intelligence: A Kantian Approach
How are artificial intelligence (AI) and the strong claims made by their philosophical representatives to be understood and evaluated from a Kantian perspective? Conversely, what can we learn from AI and its functions about Kantian philosophy’s claims to validity? This volume focuses on various aspects, such as the self, the spirit, self-consciousness, ethics, law, and aesthetics to answer these questions.
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