• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

JournalsPast Issues

Past Issues

eISSN: 2951-388X
Print ISSN: 2635-4691 / Online ISSN: 2951-388X
Title[Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities Vol.5] Kierkegaardian Ethical Responsibility in the Age of Artificial Intelligence_Hwang, JongHwan2021-02-03 22:16
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Kierkegaardian Ethical Responsibility in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 

Hwang, JongHwan 


Human AI activity is intertwined with existential morality. AI is a symbolic form of broadening human existence. The existential horizon is intimately combined with existential despair and anxiety, which have ambivalent meanings. Existential anxiety and despair increase when the human spirit moves upward to higher spheres of freedom, eternality, and infinity. S. Kierkegaard asserts that ethical accountability should be taken seriously as a single individual being. The existential ethical atmosphere is proceeding with self-formation. AI, not as a machine, but as a symbolic form of human culture, is to be communicated with others in existential interaction. Existential despair and anxiety for becoming oneself are unique phenomena among human beings. AI can solve objectified problems, but does not live as a spiritual being. New revolutions in AI’s problem-solving abilities are forcing humans to consider their role in the world, in which human morality has been outstripped by the intelligence of machines. The authentic proof for knowing oneself should be verified through the fruits of moral living, not merely verbal arguments. 

keyword: Artificial intelligence, Ethical responsibility, S. Kierkegaard, Human culture, Scientific symbol.

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