• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

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Academic ActivitiesPublications


TitleHuman Mind and Intersubjectivity : A Cognitive Approach to Mrs. Dallaway2019-04-11 13:33
Writer Level 10

Serial Number : http://www.riss.kr/link?id=A105580248

Title : Human Mind and Intersubjectivity : A Cognitive Approach to Mrs. Dallaway

Author : Park, So-young

Vol. :  Vol.40 No.4 [2018]

Pages : 203-234

Published by : The Korean Society of Culture and Convergence

Date : 2018.10

Register Information : KCI

etc. : -


Since the introduction of cognitive shifts in the field of humanities, attempts to apply research on human cognition to literature have emerged as a new alternative to literary criticism. If there is an element on which cognitive science and literature are based in common, it is an interest in human mind. The correlation between the human mind and the body can be explained by the concept of "embodied mind" or "embodied cognition". The embodied mind or the embodied cognitive hypothesis is based on the assumption that human beings think in the body.
The characteristic of the human cognitive structure is that it is not formed and communicated through one single path or source, but has a mutual-subject structure with overlapping cognitive structures at different levels. From a cognitive point of view, the subject related to complex emotional problems is a form of intersubjectivity in which human mind, thoughts, and feelings communicate with others. In a narrative, a large number of characters emerge to shape the subjectivity of each other.
Virginia Wolf is considered one of the most prominent writers who have realized intersubjectivity in the tradition of English and American novels. In particular, Mrs. Dalloway, which maximizes Woolf s writing experiment, can be seen as realizing and expanding the characteristics of the human cognitive structure. In order to create a network of complex interdependencies, Wolfe has created an aspect of the cognitive structure that explains the various layers of intersubjectivity. 

<Key words>

humanities ,cognitive shift,embodied mind ,human cognitive structure ,Virginia Woolf ,Mrs Dalloway ,intersubjectivity ,theory of mind 

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