• Chung-Ang University

    Humanities Research Institute
    HK+ Artificial Intelligence Humanities

JournalsRegulations on the Editorial Board

Regulations on the Editorial Board

Regulations on the Editorial Board for the “Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities”

Enacted on February 1, 2018
Amended on August 14, 2019
Amended on October 30, 2020
Amended on March 1, 2023

Chapter 1 General provisions

Article 1 (Name) These regulations shall be referred to as “Regulations on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities.”

Article 2 (Purpose) The purpose of these regulations is to define all matters necessary for the editing and publishing of the “Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities” by the Chung-Ang University Humanities Research Institute.

Article 3 (Date of publication) The “Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities” is published twice a year, and the dates of publication are April 30 and October 31. The journal is published in Korean only in April and in English in October.

Chapter 2 Organization and mission

Article 4 (Composition) The Editorial Board shall be composed of one chairperson and around 10 editors, and the editor-in-chief shall be appointed by the director of the Chung-Ang University Humanities Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the director).

Article 5 (Term of the editor-in-chief) The term of the editor-in-chief shall be two years from the date of appointment.

Article 6 (Appointment of the editors) The editors shall be appointed by the director upon the recommendation of the editor-in-chief considering detailed field of expertise, research achievements, and regional balance.

Article 7 (Eligibility of the editors) The editors shall meet the following requirements:

  1. A doctoral degree holder,
  2. A person who has made many research achievements in the related fields of artificial intelligence humanities,
  3. A person who has a reputation and personality as a scholar.

Article 8 (Term of the editors) The term of the editors shall be two years from the date of appointment.

Article 9 (Editorial Advisory Board) The Editorial Advisory Board may be established when necessary in relation to the editing and publishing activities of journals and other publications.

Article 10 (Appointment of the Deputy Editor, Managing Editor, Editorial Assistant) The deputy editor, managing editor, and editorial assistant shall be appointed to facilitate the editing and publishing activities of all publications, including the journal. The deputy editor, managing editor, and editorial assistant shall be appointed by the editor-in-chief.
Article 11 (Roles of the Executive Board) Members of the Executive Board shall be ex officio members who concurrently serve as the members of the Editorial Board and make decisions about the operation of the journal.

Article 12 (Duties of the managing editor) The managing editor supports the editorial director’s tasks and activities, and assists with all matters concerning the publication of the journals. In addition, the managing editor shall take and preserve the minutes of the Editorial Board meetings.

Article 13 (Duties of the Editorial Board) The duties and activities of the Editorial Board are as follows:

  1. Tasks related to publication of journals,
  2. Tasks related to review and editing of theses,
  3. Other activities related to editing and publishing.

Chapter 3 Editorial conference

Article 14 (Convocation) The editorial conference shall be convened by the editor-in-chief from time to time. If necessary, five or more editors or the director may convene the editorial conference.

Article 15 (Establishment) The editorial conference requires the attendance of at least five editors.

Article 16 (Resolution) The agenda of the editorial conference shall be resolved by a majority vote of the members in attendance. However, the editor-in-chief shall make the decision in case of an equal number of votes.

Article 17 (Chairperson) The editor-in-chief shall be the chairperson of the editorial conference. In case the editor-in-chief is absent, one of the editors appointed by the editor-in-chief shall act on his/her behalf.

Article 18 (Decisions) The editorial conference shall discuss and decide on all matters concerning the journal, and the Executive Board shall have the authority to ratify the decision.

Supplementary provisions

(Effective date) These regulations shall be effective from Vol. 1 of the “Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities” (published on April 30, 2018).
(Effective date) These regulations are applied and come into force from August 14, 2019.
(Effective date) These regulations are applied and come into force from October 30, 2020.
(Effective date) These regulations are applied and come into force from March 1, 2023.

Chung-Ang University, Humanities Research Institute
#828, 310 Hall, 84 Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06974, Korea  TEL +82-2-881-7354  FAX +82-2-813-7353  E-mail : aihumanities@cau.ac.krCOPYRIGHT(C) 2017-2023 CAU HUMANITIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED