List of accepted abstracts:
- Yoon Ki An (Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary)
“Artificial Intelligence and Human Reason as the Medium of Communication”
- Shahar Avin (University of Cambridge)
“Exploring artificial intelligence futures”
- Brandon Beamer (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
“Towards Constructing an Electronic Knowledge Base Built on Sufficient Realization Conditions”
- Larissa Berger (University of Siegen)
“Can Artificial Intelligences Know about Beauty?”
- Sunyong Byun (Seoul National University of Education)
“The Four Ethical Principles of AI Robot”
- I-hsuan Cheng, Yunfei Long, Chu-Ren Huan, Qin Lu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
“Culturally Grounded Event Driven Metaphor Detection”
- Gerard Concepcion (University of the Philippines Diliman)
“Artificial Intelligence and Dictionary-Making: The Case of University of the Philippines’ Filipino Monolingual Dictionary”
- Robinson dos Santos (Federal University of Pelotas)
“Self-consciousness, “self-knowledge” and artificial intelligence: considerations from Kant’s theoretical philosophy”
- Young Sue Han (Sogang University)
“Enhancing the power of color through artificial intelligence in visual storytelling”
- JongHwan Hwang (Hannam University)
“The Kierkegaardian ethical Accountability in the age of AI”
- Ekaterina Kamlovskaya, Christoph Schommer, Joshgun Sirajzade (University Luxembourg)
“A Dynamic Associative Memory for Distant Reading”
- Iksoo Kwon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
“Artificial Intelligence, Conceptualization, and Cognitive Linguistics”
- Charles Lam & Catherine Wong (Hang Seng Management College Hong Kong)
“Language Studies in the AI Era: challenges and opportunities”
- Gui-woo Lee (Seoul Women’s University)
“Posthuman Bodies in Science Fiction and Film”
- Il-Jae Lee (Kwangwoon University)
“Error revisions and cognitive effort in the post-editing of the Korean-English machine-translation outputs”
- SungUng Lee (IBM Korea)
“Transparency, trust and data responsibility in the Cognitive Era”
- Qin Lu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
“Improving Sentiment Analysis by Using Cognition Grounded Data”
- Carina Pape (Europa-Universität Flensburg)
“Artificial Intelligence, Human Communication, and Gender Stereotypes”
- Jeongsik Park (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
“Past, present, and future of speech recognition in terms of artificial intelligence”
- SeongSoo Park (The State University of New York at Buffalo)
“Constraints on Implementing Computation”
- Christian Prust (University of Siegen)
“Can artificial intelligences have a human nature or can a human nature be artificial?”
- Saira Salman (Information Technology University of the Punjab)
“Exploring a Posthumanist Facet: Virtual World Building and the Future of Expression”
- Dieter Schönecker (University of Siegen)
“Can pure practical reason be artificial?”
- Holger Sederström (Humboldt-University Berlin)
“What is human communication all about? Or: Can a public sphere be simulated?”
- Joshgun Sirajzade, Christoph Schommer (University Luxembourg)
“Mind and Language. AI in an Example of Similar Patterns of Luxembourgish Language”
- Thomas Sukopp (University of Siegen)
“An argument against the unlimited applicability of Artificial Intelligence in classroom setting”
- Tony Veale (University College Dublin)
“Cups of Good Cheer: Linguistic Containers for a Computational Sense of Humour”
- Sunjin Yang (Chungnam National University)
“Ethics of science and technology from the perspective of Yangming in the era of artificial intelligence(AI)”
- Yasin Yeşilyurt (Istanbul Maltepe University)
“Conversation with Technological Souls in Transhumanist or AI Era”
- Ji Yong Lee (Chung-Ang University)
“AI 스피커의 감정어 인식 양상 연구”
- 이소연 (Sogang University)
“인공지능 시대, 문학 연구의 새로운 주제에 대한 제안”